Staff Directory

CKP Leadership

Kasey Harding, MPH, Director

Marwan Haddad, MD, MPH, AAHIVS, Medical Director

CKP Providers

Marlene Edelstein, APRN

Lucy Ehrenfeld, APRN

Jeannie McIntosh, APRN

CKP Clinical Staff

Bernie Delgado, Nurse Supervisor

Chloe Andree, Registered Nurse

David Papcin, Registered Nurse

Valerie Walton, Registered Nurse

Denise Tafeni, Senior Medical Assistant

Community-Based Services

Maria Lorenzo, CBS Program Manager, 475.343.3150 x109 ([email protected])

Aubree Buccino, CBS Program Coordinator, 475-301-3693 ([email protected])

Wildaline Figaro, CBS Program Specialist (email: [email protected])

Doug Janssen, CBS Associate, 475.343.3150 x130 ([email protected])

Anna Rogers, Project Director ([email protected])

Lennon Farkash, Program Specialist ([email protected])

Marisol Velez, Health Advocate, 475.343.3150 x132 ([email protected])

Alex Tafeni, Mobile Health Unit Driver ([email protected])

Ryan White Case Managers

Cairo Romageura, Case Manager, 860.347.6971 x3368 ([email protected])

Teaurean Nolan, New London Medical Case Manager, 203-985-9315 ([email protected])

Sandra Perez Ruiz, Case Manager, 203-927-0463 ([email protected])


Sherrie Frechette, Case Manager, 860.347.6971 x3903 ([email protected])

PrEP Coordinators

Paola Monge, CKP Prevention Health Navigator, ([email protected])

New Horizons

Tajae Sergeon, Program Manager ([email protected])

Tara Zimmerman, Adult Advocate ([email protected])

Valarie Smith, Rapid Rehousing Advocate, ([email protected])

Ana Aderca Victim Advocate ([email protected])

Belmarys Barreto, Adult Advocate ([email protected])

Joanna Cruz, Adult Advocate ([email protected])

Lashanda Dove, Adult Advocate ([email protected])

Donika Freeman, Family Advocate ([email protected])

Brandi Kennedy, Adult Advocate ([email protected])

Brooke Maxfield, Community Outreach Advocate and Educator ([email protected])

Substance Use Health Program

Dan Bryant, Director of Substance Use Treatment

Vanessa Parker, Behavioral Health Clinician

Michael Lauro, Licensed Behavioral Health Clinician

Briana Reaves, Program Manager at 475.343.3150 x133 ([email protected])

Marissa Ortiz, Recovery Care Coordinator, 860.347.6971 x5104 ([email protected])

Lizette Reboira, Recovery Care Coordinator, 860.347.6971 x 2353 ([email protected])

Carissa Poole, Recovery Care Coordinator, 203.499.9690 ([email protected])

Lizbeth Vazquez, Recovery Care Coordinator, 203-499-9816 ([email protected]


Raneda Porter, AmeriCorps Program Director,  475-355-1229 ([email protected])

Cassie Johnson, AmeriCorps Program Specialist, 475.318.2781 ([email protected])

Angela Chen, AmeriCorps Member: Retinopathy Outreach Coordinator (West), ([email protected])

Tonee Corlette, AmeriCorps Member: Youth Healthcare Services Specialist, ([email protected])

Sade’ Ebanks, AmeriCorps Member: Community Health Information Specialist, ([email protected])

Samiha Haque, AmeriCorps Member: Health Navigator, ([email protected])

Tessa Kurtz, AmeriCorps Member: Community Health Information Specialist, ([email protected])

Rachael Lazor, AmeriCorps Member: Overdose Prevention Champion, ([email protected])

Fe Lentini, AmeriCorps Member: CKP Health Navigator, ([email protected])

Onika Phillips, AmeriCorps Member: Prevention Program Coordinator, ([email protected])

Molly Shields, AmeriCorps Member: Community Engagement Specialist, [email protected]

Nova LaPointe, AmeriCorps Member: Clinical Excellence Champion, [email protected]

CT River Valley Farmers Health Program (CTRVFH)

Elizabeth Vazquez-Fresse, Program Manager, 475.375.7667 ([email protected])

Carmen Davila, Health Coordinator, 860.347.6971 x6101 ([email protected])


Stephanie Moses, Outreach Worker ([email protected])

Wherever You Are (WYA)    

Joshua Beltré, Program Coordinator ([email protected])

Marisol Velez, Health Advocate ([email protected]))